Friday, January 26, 2007

فصلاتي -نص غريب من نوعه

تخبرني .. "هل تعلمين"؟

أدفن رأسي بين رقبتك وانتهاء شعرك .. أتنفسك

تنسى .. ماذا كنت ستقول ..

أرفع رأسي ..

"هل أعلم ماذا"..؟


هل أعلم أني جننتك ..؟! "قلتلك انت مينون خالص"




تخبرني .. هل تعلمين؟

-أتليقف- "أن امرأةً أتقنت اللعبة إلا أنت؟"..


ممممم .. "كم حبّكِ استوطن فؤادي!" ..؟"..

هو: "يالــ....."

هي: "كم أن ..." انقطعت أفكاري .. والسبب "خارج عن الإرادة"..

""ليش انتي حلوة؟

"عشان انتا مينون.."

"ليش اميننتني لييش"

عشان انتا مممممم .. مينون؟

"ولهتي علي؟"


"يا كلبة"


حبيبتي ..

قولها بعد مرة ..


بعد .. مرة ..

حبيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــبتي ..

بعد .. مــ ......................


ولهان عليج..

يالعيار - ماأصدقك..



حبيبي ..

قوليها بعد مرة ..




Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mum,LOOK I came out of that flower !

While shopping during the christmas period, I had a hard time finding everything people asked me to look for.. So I forgot many things either because I didn't find them, or because I just didn't want to bring them im sorry :P

So while shopping in my all-time favorite place "Toys R Us" I recalled old memories where I used to be very much in love and obsessed with Barbies. My parents had to get me one everytime Eid comes, or my birthday, or after getting my grades certificate "which I used to ace just to get a Barbie"; quite an ambition I know. I hope you guys had better ambitions as kids than I had :P

Because I have been the "di3la" kind of child -أملق نوع من اليهال- I understand fully how it feels like for a child when he wants a toy so bad. So I guess I would be every little kid's dream mother.

The thing is, I'm there to shop for my little angels; one that just turned 5 and the other is almost 3. I know the older one is obsessed with Barbies (had it in her genes probably) and Bratz. The other is more like a "go with the flow" grandizer marrat, tele-tubbies,.. As long as she could break them, make them ugly, and make any kid's life miserable, it would make her happy.


While shopping I found this little baby barbie that looked like my "falfool"*, first of all you only see a flower bouqet, then you push it up and there comes a little cute baby with cute curly hair.

The idea or the concept of the doll is to simplify the idea of how babies come to the world,to the kids, so the groom and the bride get married, the bride has a flower bouqet in her hands, after the wedding, flowers grow (apparently), and everything finished, the baby comes out of the flower.

Awwwwww now isn't that the most innocently cute thing ever. I know most of the perverted generation of the kids nowadays are just so far away from innocent and probably know everything before they are 9. ما أقول إلا خلف الله عليّ آنا

I myself, to a very very late stage "very embarrassingly late" stage, thought that the couple pray to God before they sleep and wish for a little baby, and BOOOOM, by default the woman gets pregnant. Talk about sheer naiveness and innocence.

So, now that I saw the little toy, I know what to tell my little daughter in the future; that she, just like the little doll that came out of the flower bouqet. LOL

What about you guys, what falsified/enhanced/altered ideas were taught as kids? شلون تكونت عندكم فكرة "الإنجاب" ....الخ الخ الخ

*falfool: the almost-3- years old angel, and is called falfool because she has wavy angelic curls compared to the older sister (who has gorgeous straight hair). Ensameeha falfoola/falfool and she gets REALLY mad, she considers it a masabba! LOL

**Until I learn how to send photos from my phone to my computer i'll update you guys with a picture of this little toy


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

عندما .... فإنّ

نأتيكم بآخر الأخبار من السرداب -سرداب بيتنا

في تمام الساعة العاشرة إلا ربع مساء
في تمام الصمت المدقع والصقيع اللا محتمل
وبعد وجبة من ماكدونالدز التي أدت إلى تهاوي "برستيجي"

زارني مزاج الكتابة

اليوم على الساعة 7 بالليل وعند مسافط مركز سلطان السالمية بالضبط
من داخل السيارة سرحت وآنا مجابلة الفنار جان يطري على بالي سؤال

يا ترى ما هو سبب عزوف الشعب الكويتي عن المواصلات العامة
Public Transportation

وماذا لو كان هناك وسيلة مواصلات عامة تأخذنا للأسواق و الكافيهات والأماكن الأخرى بنصف الوقت وبأقل زحمة

هل الناس راح تتقبل الفكرة اذا كان في تخطيط واعي و تدبير صحيح و باصات و سبواي صجي
أم سينظر لها على أنها "فشلة" و تأثر على البرستيج؟


آنا مشكلتي ان هاليومين ضاربة وايد من الأشياء بعرض الحائط

Allah yaster

Three things make my day halayam:




Diggin through old un-read books, and new ones I bought today to read before going to sleep.
My hands are most likely falling on one of نجيب محفوظ's


خرابيطي قبل النوم:

أجلس بتعمد تلقائي/تلقائية متعمدة

استمع لذلك اللحن مرارا

إلى أن تمل أذني

دون أن أمل أنا


ثم أشتاقك



إلى أن أستسلم لوسادتي
دون "تصبح على خير"