Imagine how your life would be, if you'd look forward to going to school .. I think it's a blessing ;p
okay.. So in one of my classes I have this amazing professor that discusses a lot of things but our class, it's a major requirement btw, but she decides that life is all about experience and little story sharing and all not reading text books.. That's why I love her, and she's charming.

The topic today was about the 5 languages of love, she asked " anybody knows them? , COME ON, nobody? How do you get along with yo honey theeeen -jamacian accent- ok here goes
- Gifts, materials, something tangible
- Words of encouragement, verbal ..
- Quality time .. More attention, one-on-one
and then she forgot the other two ..
This is over simplifying them of course. But bringing the topic up really made me think, that's right, a lot of women would think that their husbands/boyfriends/lovers/ Significant others don't love them or dont' love them anymore, and vice versa.
You see women comparing gifts they've recieved measuring love by how expensive/and or thoughtful the gift is, and other women would think that the relationship is lacking love because of this.
OR, he doesn't tell her عمري/ حياتي/حبيبتي as much as he used to do and now she feels maybe the love is gone .. or fading away.
Another would see the lack of their quality time together or the decrease in the frequency they used to have it is also a bad sign.
"CHILL LADIES" she said, each one of us has a way of feeling loved, but YOU have to know what it is that make you feel love the most, is it him cooking you a candle-lit meal, is it him buying you diamonds ..
You have to know this very thing that makes you weak, loved, pamperd. And the same goes for the man, the woman would say "But I did everything for him.." and the man would say the same thing "I did all I could to please her"
There's a test that assests what type of person you are, or what makes you feel loved the most.. But I think that goes back to the communication box.. You can't just go on assuming the person infront of you would have the same reaction as you to what you like or feel is more valuable.
and ofcourse, in different phases of life, your views about things change, about what's more important, and what's more valuable.. But it's good that you KNOW.
Alexia, a student, then paused and shouted,"Uhhh but what if I like ALL five" ! hahaha that would be a problem ;p
i have a problem
cz i do like all five
bs actually ma ashoof ina it is too much
i like gifts, words, quality time
and im sure ill like the other two
bs a little bit of everything will sure keep the love alive
too much of one thing will be boring and smothering
I have a problem, Im a woman :P
No ofcourse, there are a lot of Alexias in the world :P and i'm one too, cuz I obviously like all of them.
and for sure a little bit of everything would be just nice.
What i'm saying is, each person deep inside value something a little more than the other you know what I mean?
Wait till I get the test, and we'll see what your result would be :P
too much of anything would be too much. But what I'm saying is that sometimes it's hard for people to give all five.
ofcourse its hard, stressful ba3ad
and expecting all five will be too much
bs a lil variation never hurt anyone!
yallah ill wait for the results
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