Friday, July 18, 2008

I can't get enough

have a confession to make..
It's been going on for almost a month now. I can't hide it.
His name is illy. (Such a sexy name I know)
First thing in the morning, I long to have him.
In the afternoon, right after work, and before I go to sleep.
He's always always on my mind, I can't help it.
His golden complexion, makes me go crazy..
His smell ..
Makes me melt ..
tdawekhni and I can't concentrate on anything anumore.
And whenever he's around me, hand in hand, I am complete.
The only problem is that he's European.. I don't know if it''s meant to continue
but who cares?


جنة الحواس said...

Try to pour it on a scope of vanilla ice cream ..preferably hagen daz ..

It's one of the things that u can call heaven !

The Simper said...

allah ehaneekom ;)

but since u said the name is European.. i thought it should be FEMININE ;) and i also thought i can be dreaming of her at Hagendasz ;)

Fastidious Babe said...

i'm more of a segafredo person, illy is too acidic for my taste..italian is the way to go babe ;)

Anonymous said...

بكل تفاصيييييييلها


قهوتي كل يوم اهي اتحدد شبكووووووووووووون يومي

اعشششششششششق ايلي صصصصصصصصصصج

the tooth.fairy said...


Ahlan ahlan,

Wait, pour my cappuccino on the ice ceam?

1.mara7 tkaffi ;p 2.I love it so much that I don't like mixing it with anything else .. A7ebha bro7ha .. Although I got a na9ee7a of dipping the croissant feeha..

Still, I like it alone .. with nothing else .. Maybe a few of brown sugar sprinkles *ahh*

The Simper

We fit perfectly together hehe ;)

Feminine European names usually end with an A lil ta'neeth "illa" for example. Bss illy is a he

heheh, but it's not the same at hagendasz. Not even close.

fastidious babe

segafredo is international ;p lol their coffee and I didn't have that much of a chemistry, what do they brew?

illy needs to be carefully made, too much and it could get dangerous or acidic


hal illy elli yethba7ni lol

maknt mudmenat gahwa chithi ..

جنة الحواس said...

cappuccino ?!

I thought u are talking abt espresso .. That's what should be poured on an ice cream scope :P

the tooth.fairy said...

Creative Broke .. very ;p

Then you'd end up with coffee-flavorued ice-cream which you can order from the beginning ;p

No, their espresso is immensly intense. Macchiato or Cappuccino is short, sweet and just the right balance of intensity

جنة الحواس said...

Ok .. My last comment on this :P

When u go to Hagen daz next time ..U gotta order " Cafe Afogatto " .. Then U'll ..start :
Ummmm ..Ahhhh ..

and will know what I mean .

Btw ...I don't like coffe flavoured ice cream !