Thursday, February 08, 2007


Things that make me happy

1.Hand-written letters

2. Cre`me Brulee


4. little thoughtful gifts

5. Good test results

6. Vintage/Authentic findings

7.Chowy-Gowy Cookies

8. Traveling



Bss I can't think of any so far

tagged by Chica Bonita q8


Qa6Wa said...

I was reading your post when I got a phone call from chowy gowy owner regarding an order i placed to someone dear to me. apparently there was a huge misunderstanding and i fought with that person whos dear to me.

then i continued reading your post and i read chowy gowy and i couldnt stop crying.

the tooth.fairy said...

Awwww my god , 7abeeebti

i'm so sorry. I really hope things get better. if they didn't already :*

Anonymous said...

U forgot Number 10 !!

10. Not being broke.. (or nazlat il ma3ash)


the tooth.fairy said...

LOOOOL sa7 ! Hathi RAQAM 1 ba3ad. on the top of the list :P

you have no idea how much I'm broke now :P no i d e a