Monday, November 05, 2007

Men can "BREAST-FEED" yes ladies and gentlemen


نعم ، طبقا للأبحاث العلمية أثبتت أن الرجل قادر على إرضاع الطفل مثل ما يمكن للمرأة التي لم يسبق لها الولادة من قبل حيث أن الغدد المدرة للحليب متواجدة في جسم كل من الرجل والمرأة

woohoo ! Time to take a break? Or maybe take turns so that the mother can get enough sleep? ;p

I know I'll make my husband do it ;p

What do you guys think


Anonymous said...

lol ! thats a wierd thought ! Why just breast feed ! men can carry baby for nine months too ... i know i would !

the tooth.fairy said...

lol, well you're brave !

That's right, why just breast-feed do the whole thing ;p

Well I guess it would be nice to have one baby and leave the next one to the husband. So that they know what women have to go through !


and welcome to The Roof Grey :)

Anonymous said...

you mistakenly interpreted it. men have the genes but they are inactive in a functional way. Indeed, the bull that fertilizes cows that are rich in milk production is very expensive although the bull produces no milk directly but its genome is encoded with rich milk production genes, thus its price is way more expensive than the cows that produce milk

the tooth.fairy said...

hmmm, anonymous, thank you very much for the enlightment,

it does make sense the way you explained it, but can that genome not be expressed by injecting certain proteins or hormones?

because as far as i know, they also have the lactation glands in their "chest"-tissues, and that it's possible for them to get breast-cancer as well, but the percentage is low.

the tooth.fairy said...

I mean, can't we make him -the male- express that genome by injecting certain proteins or hormones.

Organic Kuwait said...

what a beautiful picture :")

the tooth.fairy said...

awww ! :) thank you Ony

Yeah, I think the scene of a mother feeding her child is one of the most passionate loving states a woman can be in -ever

I'm glad you liked it ! :)

Shwaish said...

i think this made my day!! i've always had problems with associating women breast feeding with milking cows so now that they can too i rest easy :p

the tooth.fairy said...



well don't get too happy and excited, you still would have to breast feed, because they might not be able to provide sufficient milk for the baby ;p

so you can take turns lol

Hopeless Poet said...

That will be so scary! Seeing men in the park or the bus lifting their shirts up and start feeding their babies :P

um-miT3ib said...

i think its freaky;p

the tooth.fairy said...

hopeless poet

That would look hilarious ! ;p

At least they can share responsibilities now and not invent excuses that they weren't designed for it :P


It is .. in a way .. :P