Sunday, December 10, 2006

How could you possibly ever ..

لسبب أو لآخر أو لعدة أسباب مجتمعة قرارتنا/أحلامنا توأد قبل أن ترى النور

وقد ترمق بصيصا من النور لفترة من الوقت ولكن تطمس بعدها .. ربما للأبد

مالحل ان كان بيدك انت ، قرارك اهو اللي يحدد هالشي .. مالعمل؟


How can you tell him that it's over between you two(because it'll never work out) .. Without breaking his heart?


ps: cheezy song .. but I like nevertheless


antihero said...

Emotions vs. rational thinking.

Reality is not made of dreams, but of realities. Emotions in a relationship should never exist without the presence of the mind, the rational thinking mind that tells you that emotions can be in their right place. The ideals and love songs and old tales are nothing but hoax that idealizes love and its strong emotional power.

I say... leave emotions aside and decide where to go. When the mind rests in its right place; it'll allow you to have emotions... thus love this person. It will hurt both of the lovers to be in a relationship that is impossible. Couples who go against rational thinking in an adventure of love and its ideals.. often realize its not worth it and will horribly face reality and decide to break because life is not worthy of trifles. Conditional love.. that's what it is before rational thinking. Rational thinking comes first... if love comes second that's when it sticks. However if love comes first.. and rational thinking comes last to give a word against that love... that's when its called blind love. and truly.. the lovers are blind. They'll get a dose of reality that'll shock them.

Choose the path that says "This is right" choose the path of your rational thinking mind. It's always right.. because its based on real life calculations and measures and standards.. not fairy tales and love songs and Dr. Phil.

antihero said...

oh and..
time heals.. nevermind other people's hearts. As long as you keep it between you two and not humiliate him.. why should a man does not accept it?

I say
الحق ما يزعل

and if he doesn't like.. he can يشرب من البحر

Because its your choice... why should guilt stop you from making your own decisions? Guilt will get you nowhere.

bo9ali7 said...

صدقيني اللي يبي يسوي شي يسويه حتى لو كل الدنيا ضده

neelaah said...

تذكرت مقولتين
نحن نكبر خارج احلامنا

والثانيه لصلاح جاهين وهي
أنا اللي بالامر المحال اغتوا
شفت القمر نطيت فوق في الهوا
طلتوا ما طلتوش ايه انا يهمني
و ليه مدام بالنشوى قلبي ارتوى

حضري نفسك لسقوط بعض الاحلام
هذي سنه الحياة
المهم انه ما نحولها ماساة
و انه ننظر الى نعمه اننا استطعنا ان
نحلم بشئ جميل

the tooth.fairy said...


Being emotional at times suspends your rational thinking true. What I'm saying is wouldn't it be selfish for one to decide something, and turn down the other side ..

They would definately categorize you as selfish .. put yourself in their shoes ..

And all the guilt you would get :P

But I should totally agree with what you said ..

Well-said ;)


ولكن ماهي العواقب في هالحالة؟




I can really relate to the first saying

أحس اني فعلا "كبرت" خارج أحلامي

سقطت مني الكثير من الأحلام .. بعضها ماستعطت التقاط شظاياه بعد السقوط

والآخر بكل بساطة لم يكن بيدي

الزين بالسالفة اني بطلت احلم .. حتى اشعار آخر

مرورك made my day ;)