في ايام اخر الاسبوع المملة تلك الايام القليلة المتبقية قبل العودة تلك العودة التي انتظرها بكل شغف
المحزن انها لن تمتد اكثر من اسبوعين ولكن .. ماباليد حيلة
آشارككم ويك اندي الممل
اشتهيت لوبستر تورتلليني مع ارابياتا صوص So I made myself some, with some shredded parmesan on top and cilantro the tortellinis are made with sun-dried tomatoes *ahhhhh* heavenly
و طبعا ماعرف ما احلي عقب الاكل
قعدت اسوي حذرة بذرة اي وحدة اختار
كل وحدة تقوللي آنا لا آنا هممممممممممم
لا تقولوللي جوجو كب كايك ولا اي كب كايك ثاني بليز الـ Red Velvet عوار قلب و الكاكاو و الكوكونت و الدارك تشوكليت والفروستينغ اللي يعور القلب ما يقث
غمضت عيوني ووقع اختيار يدي على
ينصح بوضعها في المايكروويف لثواني معدودة فقط الى ان يذوب الفروستينغ على الكيكة
Then close your eyes, bring the plate near your nose, inhale the chocolaty aroma, a little bit more Uh-huh, a little more, dig your fork slowly inside, a little bit of the frosting and a little bit of cake, bring it closer to your lips, let the taste hug your taste buds,
نعم ، طبقا للأبحاث العلمية أثبتت أن الرجل قادر على إرضاع الطفل مثل ما يمكن للمرأة التي لم يسبق لها الولادة من قبل حيث أن الغدد المدرة للحليب متواجدة في جسم كل من الرجل والمرأة
woohoo ! Time to take a break? Or maybe take turns so that the mother can get enough sleep? ;p I know I'll make my husband do it ;p
I'm not a big TV fan, but when it comes to commercials, it's my favorite part.
I love witty, vaguely smart ones.
One genre that I like is beer ads, they're very creative, and some are very funny too, foreign ones to be specific. So I decided to share a few laughs with you guys.
Please be advised that some may have adult content, inappropriate scenes, nudity, and or implicit obscene ideas. I tried to pick ones with the least inappropriate content. So if you are sensitive to such things, you are advised to leave this page ;p
First ad, from Thailand, Asian commercials have too much drama 3alfathi, take a look at this one .
And from Argentina we have, ewwwwww, this,
and maybe beer does wonders, here in this ad from Denmark,
And I thought, guys were, ummmm .. not that smart, LOL. Check this ad from Italy hahahaha I like this one
Or this guy, that is not shy to show his feminie side, he plays the ballet :P
But as they say, drink sensibly, le'anna al3awaqib wakheema, and you don't want THAT to happen to you, hahaha
Will be back with some more later, Happy Labor Day, and happy long weekend :**
Okay, I honsetly don't do a lot of newspapers- reading, إلا فيما تقتضيه الحاجة and I usually skim over the headlines and look for sales ads (how ignorant, I know) , let's just say politics doesn't appeal to me, and I enjoy doing other stuff.
ولكن شد انتباهي مقال قرأ لي قبل قليل ولم أتمالك نفسي من القهقهة حين سمعته وأكملت قراءته، فقررت أن أشارككم اياه .
علمت "السياسة" ان مجلس الوكلاء في وزراة التربية يناقش في اجتماعه الذي تترأسه الوزيرة الصبيح اليوم الاقتراح المقدم من الوكيل المساعد بشأن منع الموجهين الفنيين الرجال في مادة التربية البدنية من اختبار المعلمات ، وذلك على خلفية مشكلة "حركة الكوكسة" التي اشتهر بها بعض موجهي المادة والتي رفض كثير من المعلمات القيام بها أمام مأى الموجهين الذين يشترطون عليهن القيام بها أمامهم مما يوقعهن في حرج كبير. إضافة إلى طلبهم خلع العباءة وارتداء الملابس الرياضية
ماtرضخت اخريات لطلب الموجهين قسراً ولم يتقدمن بشكوى لخوفهن من تطور المشكلة ونظرة المجتمع لهن".
LOOOOOL, I couldn't help imagine that,
خصوصا حركة الكوكسة مع العباءة، و البقية اللاتي رضخن لطلب المجهين "قسراً"
and this last one .. Ladies and gentleman, took place in Tehran
LOL عجيبة الصورة ، بس شكلها مثقلة على السيكل مو قادر يردفها عدل
not to mention that more than two weeks ago, a lady was arrested and put in jail because her head veil did not comply with the rules and regulations of how a veil should be worn.
Idon't knowwhat kind of therapy people go to when they have weird sleep patterns, or interrupted sleeps. Or "weird" dreams. I broke the record this year for having the most retarted most weird most disturbing dreams.
Oh well, I've always had a therapy-fantasy. Of going to a therapist and lay down on that long chair and willingly giving up to the therapist questions to see what kind of mental problems I have laying down within my brain.
Idon't know if obsessions are considered mental problems too or not. Or maybe it's just me being di3la.
Iam really obsessed about food and desserts. Not regular obsession, but I mean really if I am craving a certain restuarant I would go NO MATTER what where when how the weather is. Pampering myslef and my bank account going into negative. ( Food happens to be one of the most sacred things in my life, I would have to post about that alone later)
Yes,so details matter. That fancy Chocolate Molten Cake with a "warm" center as they call it, and the dark chocolate sauce poured very professionally underneath it. Just the right amount that makes your mouth water, with little cushed nuts on the side and a Vanilla gelato with this long triangular shaped biscuit sticked in the ice-cream. Talk about a moment of perfection. I would feel like I own the world right there right then. Or the facbolous Cre`me Brulee with the delicate sugar top and the fresh little fruit pieces. Ok ok enough. I crave it so much as if I haven't been there two days ago for three days straight.
I keep wondreing whenis this rain going to end. And everytime I resist buying Rain Boots rain comes stronger and lasts longer. Enough already. It's depressing !
Important March/April Events that happened in my life:
My first best friend got married. And I couldn't attend the wedding
I haven't been calling home as much and it's making me feel guilty
I've dicovered a couple of new places
My life has been taking a new path
I've discovered that I don't have "good" friends
My head questions me alot,
Why do women like to pursuetakenmen. And by taken I mean married, in a relationship, ...etc and not only that but keeps trying and trying even when ignored/not given the attention anticipated. Now, it's totally fine if the man is a jerk and enjoys that and keeps carrying on, but why do women like it when they are being ignored and they don't realize that happy couples exist. Is it a hobby? Is it insecurity? Is it that they don't have a life? Or what is is exactly?
ما حسيت ان الموسيقى مهمة بحياتي الا لما ضاع الـ "آي بود"ـ
لاحظت اني اسمع موسيقى تقريبا أغلب الوقت، لما أنظف الشقة، لما آخذ شاور، لما ينزل علي الوحي وأسشور شعري، لما أقرر إني أطبخ.. وكل مكان له مزاجه وأغانيه الخاصة..
Shower play list, cooking play list, reading play list, cleaning play list.. etc :p
اليوم قعدت أفكر .. طرت على بالي مسألة " النضج الموسيقي" والتأثير اللي حصل لي على مدى السنوات الأخيرة لما بديت أهتم بشنو أسمع.
رجعت بذاكرتي إلى الوراء شوية ..
قبل ما أروح أمريكا..
أبوي.. معاه تذوقت الطرب الأصيل. كنا نقعد ساعات آنا واهوا بالسرداب يسمعني أم كلثوم ـ عقب ما يضبّط قهوته التركية (وسط،مع وش) وينزّل معاه كاكاو سنع شغل مزاج. آنا أمزّج عالكاكاو واهو يمزج عالقهوة. قبل لا نشغلها يقوللي مقاطعه المفضلة والكلمات.لما يشغل الموسيقى نقعد ساعات نسمع.. يخليني أحس بكل كوبليه بروح، بكل تحويلة بكل شي.
كنت أطفر و بسرعة أملّ.. ما كنت أحب أسمعها، صوتها كان ينرفزني و الأغاني كنت أحسها طويلة. لما شوي شوي بديت بروحي أحس ..أتذوق .. أسمع .. نتيجة هالقعدات خلتني أطلع باغنيتين حبيتهم منّه : "بعيد عنك" ـ "أنت عمري-كانت هذي بدايتي" ـ و "عودت عيني" ـ و أغنية نسيت أسمها بس فيها مقطع يتلخص معناه بأن لو رجعت بالوقت تاني ماحب غيرك أحبك انتا.. يا سلااام
علمني معنى الطرب الأصيل.. منو أم كلثوم و منو عبدالوهاب.. يحب يسمع العود والقانون أكثر شي.. هذا مزاج السرداب بالمساء.. بالأوقات العادية كنت أسمع وياه أبوبكر سالم، محمد المسباح، ارويشد، اغنية وحدة من أغاني شيرين (هذي اشلون مادري لا تسألوني) بس كانت حلوة. و أغنية"الأماكن" مالت محمد عبده بس ما يحبه ولا يحب أغانيه، شلون حب هاذي بالذات و بس مادري.
انيي حق الماما، اللي كلها رومانسية واحساس مرهف.. نقعد بالصالة آنا وياها حزة العصاري مع الشاي والكيك ـ العادة التلفزيون كله عالأخبار، بس تدش مزاج تقول جملتها المشهورة "حطيلنا شي يغني" .. هاهاها مرات أضحك على هالجملة بيني و بينها و أطفرها فيها ساعات .. لأن اذا حطينا شي يغني مايعجبها اغاني هالأيام.
مع أمي حبيت أغاني وردة الجزائرية القديمة، ماجدة الرومي، "محمد عبده" وااااااااااايد تحب أغانيه القديمة (آنا ما أدانيه) ، أغاني عبدالكريم المغبرة، فيروز (عندها كرتون أشرطة أيام الجامعة) Lionel Richie, 80s Classics
وكل ما أرجع الكويت اجازة تعلق اغنية معانا نعلق عليها كل ما رحنا مشاويرنا ويا بعض، كل ما قعدنا نسولف بغرفتي بالليل اشغلها بالباكراوند كل ما تحرشت فيها دندنت هالأغنية.. و يصير كل ما وحدة منا تسمع الأغنية نتذكر بعض و نطيحله دموع عبر الأثير.
التناتيف الباجية، بنت خالتي حببتني اب "ذ جيبيسز" ، جلوريا ستيفان. أخوي ماكو ذوق بالأغاني صفر، عار على العايلة، يسمع روك و ميتال و هالخرابيط.
حب حياتي "أندريا بوتشيللي" عرفته بالصدفة من التلفزيون. من أسمعه انسى كل شي. ولما أسوي باستا لاااازم أشغله.
باختصار هذا تاريخي الموسيقي والترانزشن اللي صار على مر السنين والحلو بالأغاني انها دايما تحمل ذكرى معينة .. ذكرى شخص معين.. احساس معين.. حادثة او حتى phase
and personally, I think that taste in music can tell a lot about a person.
تبي أرضى أنا حاضر .. ولكن رجع سنيني .. أبي احياها مع غيرك
My horscopes for the week say:
A partnership or relationship that has been down some tough roads of late is abut to get a boost and it would appear that all the time and effort you put into it has not, after all, been wasted. One particular person has been a hard nut to crack but at last they are softening and even showing signs of affection. The question now is : are you prepared to commit yourself?
1. I am the SLOWEST eater ever. I've broken the global record and every one knows that dudes leave me in peace and let me enjoy my meal ! :P to all of you haters
2. I enjoy a good foreign movie (but no korean,chinese,japanese movies for me please)
3. I enjoy "role playing"
4. I hate "mood" killers, even though it's me who causes it "sometimes" (either عن أو بدون قصد).
5.I enjoy fine dining, good food, delicious edible things.
6. I have a passion for desserts.
7. I LOVE Cre`me Brulee
8. I love cooking with a close friend
9. Making silly games, I always have random ideas for "sponatneous" games
10. I use the word Monopoly proberly in every sentence but not when it comes to the board game which i instinctly call it "Monobouli" :P أحس عقيدية مرات
11. My shoe size is 35-36 *shamefully* and the smallest pair of shoes that I have is size 34 !!!!!
12. I used to LOVE eating tomatoes as a kid, they used to grow some in my grandmother's huge backyard back in the days. The idea alone disgusts me, but I have pictures to prove it !
13. I kept a "secret" diary as a child up till I was 16 and it was in عربي فصحى katba futhaye7, if anyone get to read them I'll be in SERIOUS trouble !
14. I began writing my own "قصيدة" as I called it -back then- when I was in ola mtwasse6, because I was grounded and felt depressed.
15. Calling me a certain name makes me melt (literally)
16. I enjoy meeting random people and making friends. yeah i'm crazy.
17. I would like to come over two of my fears (only close friends know what these two fears are) something very very embarrasing.
18. Couple of my dreams came true.
19. I beleive in "mini-miracles"
20. One of my biggest joys is having an early breakfast.
21. I make really delicious pan cakes, basboosa, bashamel.
22. Passive people get on my nerves.
23. Silence KILLS me.
24. little things/ details get my attention.
25. I don't have/never had a favourite color.
26. I regret 3 things i did in my life.
27. Sometimes I wish I was half kuwaiti- and the other half something exotic :P
28. I use these two words alot " Jad .. jad" and "seriously"
29أحب ألعب جنجف.ة.
30. I have lame writings VERY LAME and cheesy :P I can't believe I even wrote them back at the time. And even worse, read them out confidently.
31. I enjoy صمونة فلافل و بطاط و زهرة بدون بيديان
32. Songs; remind me of places.
33. فصلاتي قوية.
34.Speaking of perfumes; in special occasions I steal perfumes from my mum's perfume cabinet :P
35. I have a dream of traveling to a place I've never heard of/ been at before, and where I don't speak their language. I'd like to be the "stupid tourist" that carries the language book and pronounce words in a funny way :P
36. I happen to be very sensitive -unfortunately-.
37. I cry silently
38. I get along quickly.
39. I once asked my dad to make my hair in a braid, and when he told me he didn't know how to, I cried for a long time, until he decided to "stop" my crying by trying :P - I was around 6-
40. I'm a daddy's girl
41. I wish I had my mum's patience. She makes me proud everytime I think of her qualities.
42. I wish I could do something artistic, like draw or sing.
43. I hate smokers, but I love the smell of after-smoke that's stuck in the car's leather seat.
44. There's something sexy about a man that knows how to cook, knows how to play an instrument, or someone that's falta in math :P
45. I used to have pen-pals* from at least 12 different countries, and I still keep the letters !!
46. I find control in a man's qualities a turn on, yet serrunder is too; on the other hand.
47. I wear glasses when i'm home/reading/using the computer- and contacts when I go out.
48. I never broken a bone. EVER
49. I would love to travel in the past.
50. I cherish annivarsaries, birthdays, holidays, special occasions.
51. I love telling bed-time stories. I'm actually good at it
52. Little things make me mad/angry
53. I realized that i get jealous at times.
54. I remember some memories vividly.
55. I hate indecive people.
56. I hate il ja3a9a wil bukhul.
57. I love writing hand-written letters.
58. I remember my first crush.
59. I don't beleive in internet-love
60. I always think of how my life would have been if i chose to stay in Kuwait.
61. I love sleeping
62. I have this weird fantasy of marrying a safeer or a dimplomat and live in some exotic country and move around the world.
63. I know how to make moments special.
64. I HATE the sound of utensils touching eachother, drives me crazy.
65. I eat hareees bedoon dehen wla shaker.
66. I never experienced what it feels like to have grandparents. Lost them all both sides before I was born, and one when I was really young.
67. I used to hate gahwa 3arabeyya, but I suddenly loved it starting last ermuthan, but it HAS TO, has to be accompanied with a piece of sweet.
68. I love analysing people , their behavior, personalities.. etc etc.
69. There's something in shaved headed men that attracts me..
70. I wish I followed the trends more , I dress like I came out of the 60s period, a la Jacqlyuen Kennedy.
71. I secretly wish I had my mum's hair.
72. A friend of mine once decided to break up our friendship because I was sinniya - I was 9 years old- at the time. (My first time to have a broken heart)
73. I almost got hit by a train and die last year if that guy behind me hadn't pull me and save my life- it was JUST like the movies. but it haunts me everytime I see a train now. And I still see the guy by coinsidence every now and then on the same train stop :P
74. I LOVE the smell of coffee.
75. I'm not a morning person. But I can be.
76. I wore braces back in middle school and had them on for SIX years.
77. I love ice-cream
78. I have a beautiful hand-writing
79. The idea of life after death and judgement day scares me.
80. I love happy endings, but again I hate predictable things.
81. I love spontaneousity
82. I once heared our newly-wed couple neighboures's arguments and fights through my brother's bathroom window. Sudfa kent dasha aghassel eedi bt3asha ebghurfeta walla asma3 نسيتي الظلم اللي ظلمتيني اياه نسيتي ولا اذكرج؟؟؟ّّ" and my brother told me that he heard her once shout 6ALLIGNI to her husband. The too-much drama made me laugh :P
83. I've never gone tanning in my whole LIFE. Only once few months ago and the sun gone down when I decided to lay down :P
84. I love high-heels, and I just discovered cute flats.
85. I'm petite
86. I have a wish of going horse-riding "i've only gone once as a child".
87. I love writing birthday cards and wrapping. It's a hobby.
88. I don't take things for granted.
89. I don't forget easily. I remember alot of things with details.
90. I rebel to little things.
91. I love English Breakfast Tea and milk.
92. I love seafood.
93. I have two completely different sides of me. Rarely do people get to know the "other" side.
94. I like to be taken care of when i'm sick.
95. I'm not dalo3a.
96. I have a kind heart.
100. I have a dangerous wish/thought- which if did not happen will break my heart a great deal.
What's the most important thing to you in life? I think with time, things lose their value and meaning to people, things that used to excite us fail to do so after some years, and things that make us sad/mad doesn't effect us the way it used to. And how people think. And even how you feel about food, people change their mind about taste, hate foods that they loved and love foods that they hated... and so on.
While shopping during the christmas period, I had a hard time finding everything people asked me to look for.. So I forgot many things either because I didn't find them, or because I just didn't want to bring them im sorry :P
So while shopping in my all-time favorite place "Toys R Us" I recalled old memories where I used to be very much in love and obsessed with Barbies. My parents had to get me one everytime Eid comes, or my birthday, or after getting my grades certificate "which I used to ace just to get a Barbie"; quite an ambition I know. I hope you guys had better ambitions as kids than I had :P
Because I have been the "di3la" kind of child -أملق نوع من اليهال- I understand fully how it feels like for a child when he wants a toy so bad. So I guess I would be every little kid's dream mother.
The thing is, I'm there to shop for my little angels; one that just turned 5 and the other is almost 3. I know the older one is obsessed with Barbies (had it in her genes probably) and Bratz. The other is more like a "go with the flow" grandizer marrat, tele-tubbies,.. As long as she could break them, make them ugly, and make any kid's life miserable, it would make her happy.
While shopping I found this little baby barbie that looked like my "falfool"*, first of all you only see a flower bouqet, then you push it up and there comes a little cute baby with cute curly hair.
The idea or the concept of the doll is to simplify the idea of how babies come to the world,to the kids, so the groom and the bride get married, the bride has a flower bouqet in her hands, after the wedding, flowers grow (apparently), and everything finished, the baby comes out of the flower.
Awwwwww now isn't that the most innocently cute thing ever. I know most of the perverted generation of the kids nowadays are just so far away from innocent and probably know everything before they are 9. ما أقول إلا خلف الله عليّ آنا
I myself, to a very very late stage "very embarrassingly late" stage, thought that the couple pray to God before they sleep and wish for a little baby, and BOOOOM, by default the woman gets pregnant. Talk about sheer naiveness and innocence.
So, now that I saw the little toy, I know what to tell my little daughter in the future; that she, just like the little doll that came out of the flower bouqet. LOL
What about you guys, what falsified/enhanced/altered ideas were taught as kids? شلون تكونت عندكم فكرة "الإنجاب" ....الخ الخ الخ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*falfool: the almost-3- years old angel, and is called falfool because she has wavy angelic curls compared to the older sister (who has gorgeous straight hair). Ensameeha falfoola/falfool and she gets REALLY mad, she considers it a masabba! LOL
**Until I learn how to send photos from my phone to my computer i'll update you guys with a picture of this little toy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
في تمام الساعة العاشرة إلا ربع مساء في تمام الصمت المدقع والصقيع اللا محتمل وبعد وجبة من ماكدونالدز التي أدت إلى تهاوي "برستيجي"
زارني مزاج الكتابة -------------------
اليوم على الساعة 7 بالليل وعند مسافط مركز سلطان السالمية بالضبط من داخل السيارة سرحت وآنا مجابلة الفنار جان يطري على بالي سؤال
يا ترى ما هو سبب عزوف الشعب الكويتي عن المواصلات العامة Public Transportation وماذا لو كان هناك وسيلة مواصلات عامة تأخذنا للأسواق و الكافيهات والأماكن الأخرى بنصف الوقت وبأقل زحمة
هل الناس راح تتقبل الفكرة اذا كان في تخطيط واعي و تدبير صحيح و باصات و سبواي صجي أم سينظر لها على أنها "فشلة" و تأثر على البرستيج؟
آنا مشكلتي ان هاليومين ضاربة وايد من الأشياء بعرض الحائط
Allah yaster
---------------- Threethings make my day halayam:
-Chocolate -Sushi -hugs ------------------
Diggin through old un-read books, and new ones I bought today to read before going to sleep. My hands are most likely falling on one of نجيب محفوظ's --------------
خرابيطي قبل النوم:
أجلس بتعمد تلقائي/تلقائية متعمدة
استمع لذلك اللحن مرارا
إلى أن تمل أذني
دون أن أمل أنا
ثم أشتاقك
إلى أن أستسلم لوسادتي دون "تصبح على خير" ـ -------------