Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Pet peeves

أكره الانتظار في كل شيء .. و عودتي إلى أرض الوطن من ضمن تلك الأشياء

Keeping me busy

ما لا مفر منه ..-
بالإضافة إلى  - تنظيف الشقة كل نصف ساعة .. أحلى هروب من الواقع

Drawing a smile on my face

- silly youtube videos that friends decide to send when I'm studying
- Certain text messages
-(live) عشاء خفيف لذيذ على أنغام الجاز الخفيفة  في مكان صغير جدا 
- فكرة العودة وما سيليها من عواقب ومغامرات وسباق مع الزمن

Note Book

تشغلني قصة شعرك ..
post-shaving ملمس خديك
و رائحة ال 
تشغلني فكرة هيئتك في قميص -وربما -
وال dress pants

تتحول كتبي -أثناء الدراسة- إلى غيوم
أمتطيها لأمر بعالمك شبه المجهول

و أنا لا أزال أتخيل رائحتك،
ذلك القميص ..
و ملمس شعرك حين
تغوص يدي في أعماقه

و تظل 3 
    تنتظرني .. اما ان أكرم غداًِ أو أهانchapters


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

رجل عظيم ولحظة أعظم

I can't add anything more than to say we witnessed a historical moment.

على صعيد آخر و very off-topic
يا بختك يا ميشيل أوباما
Obama, you're the hottest most charismatic man alive.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Right at the corner of ...

ثمة سر غامض في زوايا الأشياء

زوايا الحائط حين أستند عليها .. متجاهلة السرير و الكنبتين الكبيرتين
زوايا الأوراق .. حين أكتب عليها أفكاري العشوائية
زوايا اللوحة الأولى التي رسمتها .. حين تجاهلت تغطيتها بالألوان
زوايا حجيرات تفكيري .. التي ماعدت آراكم فيها أفكار عدة
حتى زوايا غطاء قطعة الشوكولا التي لم أنتهي منها .. لم تسلم مني

والكلمات التائهة .. في مكان ما .. ربما في زاوية من تلك الزوايا التي لا تنتهي

ps: the song doesn't mirror my feelings or situation or even the written piece up there, it's just a song I love, and I didn't find my favourite version of it, enjoy

I found my all-time fave. version of the song, but it is not complete, enjoy it :*

Monday, October 13, 2008

The movie.. Took my breath away

It was an unfortunate day that we decide to go watch that movie

because my heart was torn in pieces..

and I think my 9 year old crush has just confirmed itself to me, 
even after all these years, he remains hellishly uncontrollably mysteriously breath-takingly

لا تسألوني ليش و شلون ، أدري جيكر
يمكن الشيب مادري، بس كله على بعضه

and Diane Lane, I think I found her sexier in Unfaithful

The movie was a continuation of Nicholas Sparks novels, he wrote the novel-turned to a movie- Message in a Bottle, I haven't had the honor to read any till now, but hopefully some day I will.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Nights in Rodanthe (click)

ps: some people might hate it for the fact that it's too emotional, well, I'm warning you if you were one of those, just don't even attempt watching it. And to other people, that check that website of theirs (if you know yourself) ;p it got a %29 on your beloved movie rating website, but that website sucks, and I insist on holding my position on how much I loved the movie.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Playing over .. and over again

Track 10

وأنا ..
وأنت ..

و ثالثنا "شيطناتنا"؛


Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ever since I got introduced to this website 
and I'm getting addicted !

I never knew I had something for fashion this crazely ;p

These are samples of the outfits I've created, that includes il backgrounds laying behind the outfits.

Rescue you me from boredom!

Saturday, August 09, 2008


غرامي ال 
Seafood !

Event: Late Lunch/Early Dinner with family

Theme: Seafood place, casual, chill.

Food: Very simple, very delicious, very very fresh.

Price: Above than usual/avg. prices, but cheaper than many seafood rest.s in Kuwait

In short, I LOVED our lunch today, and I would definitely come back!

Any other seafood restaurant suggestions while I'm in the country?

shoot, I forgot to mention the name: Totally Fish

Friday, July 18, 2008

I can't get enough

have a confession to make..
It's been going on for almost a month now. I can't hide it.
His name is illy. (Such a sexy name I know)
First thing in the morning, I long to have him.
In the afternoon, right after work, and before I go to sleep.
He's always always on my mind, I can't help it.
His golden complexion, makes me go crazy..
His smell ..
Makes me melt ..
tdawekhni and I can't concentrate on anything anumore.
And whenever he's around me, hand in hand, I am complete.
The only problem is that he's European.. I don't know if it''s meant to continue
but who cares?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

فاصل اعلاني لذيذ - وأعود

Look Closer

My friend got me those yesterday..
Thank you sweetheart ;*

So now what,
should I move on from maltesers to flake? and forget all about maltesers?

p.s: No, I am not PMSing. The taste is just so effin good

Monday, May 26, 2008

Wild Summer Adventures I

احلى شي بالدنيا التلقائية
لأن بدونها الحياة مملة و مو بس جذي

الواحد لي متى بيقعد يسولف عن كب كايك ولا شعر ولا فلم

If you like for your life to have an edge, sometimes you have to go with the flow
but not any flow, a wisely calculated one, in order to have a story to tell ..


ملل دراسة امتحان صعب ماني قادرة اركز صارلي نص ساعة على باراغراف واحد


ثم للمرة الرابعة ذلك اليوم احصل كومبليمنت على النفنوف الأصفر

كل ما ألبسه انسأل كم مرة باليوم

Honestly it feels good lol

L: Excuse me?
تقولها الجالسة ورائي بالمكتبة

Your dress, is sooo beautiful!
me: Ohhh thank you so much! You're so sweet, yellow is my favorite color


لا تسألوني شلون بس بدينا سوالف قلبت سياسة انا اشتطيت اسولف عن انتخاباتنا وهي اشتطت اتسولف عن انتخاباتهم وليش حاسة ان هيلاري ماراح تنجح بس بتصوتلها
وان اشلون الناس وعيهم زفت مثل ويهم و يبيلهم وعي و و و و
فجأة نتكلم عن الدراسة -تدرس عمارة و تصميم- Architecture
سولفنا عن our fave. architects and why
دخلنا بمواضيع شخصية
كل شي

مستوعبين لي الحين ان مانعرف بعض كلش ملش؟

و تطول السوالف لتستغرق الساعتين وكلتانا مسترسلة بالحديث الجميل
نرجع للدراسة

نرد نسولف

Would you mind if I get your phone number? We can hang out sometimes!
Me: I would love too ! Of course 1-800-..
L: Ok then ! We'll do something soon

انا قلت كالعادة مايصير شي
both of us are trying to be nice


Second Day,

I recieve a message
"Hey,It's Leslie from the library the other day, do you want to hangout tonight?"
وانا مخي لي الحين يفكر مادري اروح ماروح ماعرفها شسوي لي شسمه؟ مادري

Should I go? Should I not, ? what should I do ..

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Taste of Heaven


I'm in Heavennn

and my heart beats so, that I can hardly speak


Monday, May 12, 2008

أفكار غير متكاملة


العشقُ المسرف .. جريمة
و تمنَع المعشوقِ جريمةً أكبر

فلا أعلم .. إن كنت أريد أن أجرم ..أم أكون الضحية


Sunday, May 04, 2008

يعجبني غباؤكِ

يعجبني غباؤكِ

ما يزيدني حيرة هذه الأيام هو طريقة تفكير كثير من الشابات والنساء
وانا كامرأة و Feminist
اعتبرها مهينة

الحين المبدأ اللي -قبل أن تكملوا القراءة- خاصة للشابات
أن "المرأة تستطيع التفكير واستخدام عقلها بكفاءة لا تقل عن الرجل

قبل لا نكمل احد يعارضني؟

الآن ما لا أفهمه هو موضة البنات في "التحدس"
يعني أن أذهب وأختار مجموعة تعتبرني ناقصة عقل ودين؟
جماعة عارضت اعطائي حقوقي السياسية -وعندما استنتجوا ان المعارضة ليست في صالحهم
٠ حللوا التصويت بلا الترشيح

ما اعتبر روحي اداة انتخابية كلش صح؟
اداة يخوفونها باستخدام الدين
بآنها حين تصوت لمن يدافع عن حقها فهي تصوت لجماعة الفسق

وان هم "حملة رسالة محمد" شعب الله المختار
يحمونها من الكفار

مو بس جذي المصيبة اعمق
النساء والشابات المتحدسات عبالهم قاعدين يستخدمن عقولهن
ولكنهن مخطئات
اروح اصوت حق ناس يعتبروني مو مهمة
او مهمة "كأداة للتصوييت" فقط لا غير.. غير قادرة على اتخاذ قراراتي بدون رجل انا قاعدة استخدم مشاعري التي استخدموا الدين لتحريكها

لا أملك إلا أن أقول

"يعجبني غباؤكِِ"

وحين تصرين على موقفك
كآنني اسمعك تقولين

"ثابتة على غبائي"


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Come indulge with me

The little things that you buy .. makes you day
The little discoveries you make .. draws a smile
and the treats you get yourself .. certainly makes a day perfect

في منطقة عندنا وايد احبها .. منطقة كانت مستعمرة من مئات السنين
ولا زالت ثقافة المستعمر متشبثة بحجر مبانيها .. في طعم اطباقها و حتى في أسامي شوارعها

و لا كأنها في أمريكا ..

متسكعة ذهبت ذلك اليوم لوحدي .. استمتع بكل دقيقة و اتلذذ بكل لقمة
بعد الانتهاء من الغداء اللذيذ

كعادتي .. لازم لازم أحلَي ماقدر

فجأة طحت على مخبز فرنسي (شميت الريحة)
مكان مدعوس صغيرون

فيه ٥ طاولات بالضبط .. شميت ريحة القهوة والغاتو و فقدت القدرة على التفكير

طلبتهم و قعدت بكورنر مندعس

ثمة شي في رائحة القهوة .. في الغاتو الفرنسي
يجعلني أريد أن أقع في الحب .. على الطريقة الفرنسية

بعد ما وصلت للسما السابعة

تلاشت احلامي مع تلاشي الغاتو

Ahhhhhhhhh .. life is delicious

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Take the test and see which language you speak

Now, these questions, which some I found quite lame, but a person should be very honest with her/himself. Indicate which language of love you speak..

I appeared to be "bi-lingual" and my results came out like the following: (The score is out of 12 for each)

10/12 for both Quality Time and Physical Touch
5/12 for Recieving Gifts
then Words of Affirmation
and last 2/12 was Acts of Services

The Quiz
ps: It won't take long I promise !

1) a. I like it when you give me notes of affirmation.
b.I like it when you hug me.

2) a. I like to spend one-on-one time with you.
b. I feel loved when you give practical help to me.
3) a.I like it when you give me gifts.
b.I like taking long walks with you.

4) a.I feel loved when you do things to help me.
b.I feel loved when you touch me.

5) a.I feel loved when you hold me in your arms.
b.I feel loved when I receive a gift from you.


a.I like to go places with you.
b.I like to hold hands with you.


a.Visible symbols of love (gifts) are very important to me.
b.I feel loved when you affirm me.


a.I like to sit close to you.
b.I like for you to tell me I am attractive/handsome.


a.I like to spend time with you.
b.I like to receive little gifts from you.


a.Your words of acceptance are important to me.
b.I know you love me when you help me.


a.I like to be together when we do things.
b.I like it when you say kind words to me.


a.What you do affects me more than what you say.
b.I feel whole when we hug.


a.I value your praise and try to avoid your criticism.
b.Several inexpensive gifts from you mean more to me than one large gift.


a.I feel close when we are talking or doing something together.
b.I feel closer to you when you touch me often.


a.I like it when you compliment my achievements.
b.I know you love me when you do things for me that you don't enjoy doing.


a.I like for you to touch me when I walk by.
b.I like it when you listen to me sympathetically.


a.I feel loved when you help me with my jobs around the house.
b.I really enjoy receiving gifts from you.


a.I like for you to compliment my appearance.
b.I feel loved when you take time to understand my feelings.


a.I feel secure when you are touching me.
b.Your acts of service make me feel loved.


a.I appreciate the many things you do for me.
b.I like receiving gifts that you make.


a.I really enjoy the feeling I get when you give me your undivided attention.
b.I really enjoy the feeling I get when you do some acts of service for me.


a.I feel loved when you celebrate my birthday with a gift.
b.I feel loved when you celebrate my birthday with meaningful words.


a.I know you are thinking of me when you give me a gift.
b.I feel loved when you help out with my chores.


a.I appreciate it when you listen to me patiently and don't interrupt me.
b.I appreciate it when you remember special days with a gift.


a.I like to know you are concerned enough to help with my daily tasks.
b.I enjoy extended trips with you.


a.Kissing me unexpectedly excites me.
b.Giving me a gift for no special occasion excites me.


a.I like to be told that you appreciate me.
b.I like for you to look at me when we are talking.


a.Your gifts are always special to me.
b.I feel good when you are touching me.


a.I feel loved when you enthusiastically do some task I have requested.
b.I feel loved when you tell me how much you appreciate me.


a.I need to be touched every day.
b.I need your words of affirmation daily.

for privacy matters, e-mail me your results, just for eg. a,b,a,a ...etc and you'll recieve a result reply shortly !

e.mail: the.lovequiz@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

only 5 languages .. That's all you need

Imagine how your life would be, if you'd look forward to going to school ..
I think it's a blessing ;p

okay.. So in one of my classes I have this amazing professor that discusses a lot of things but our class, it's a major requirement btw, but she decides that life is all about experience and little story sharing and all not reading text books.. That's why I love her, and she's charming.

The topic today was about the 5 languages of love, she asked " anybody knows them? , COME ON, nobody? How do you get along with yo honey theeeen -jamacian accent- ok here goes

- Gifts, materials, something tangible
- Words of encouragement, verbal ..
- Quality time .. More attention, one-on-one
and then she forgot the other two ..

This is over simplifying them of course. But bringing the topic up really made me think, that's right, a lot of women would think that their husbands/boyfriends/lovers/ Significant others don't love them or dont' love them anymore, and vice versa.

You see women comparing gifts they've recieved measuring love by how expensive/and or thoughtful the gift is, and other women would think that the relationship is lacking love because of this.

OR, he doesn't tell her عمري/ حياتي/حبيبتي
as much as he used to do and now she feels maybe the love is gone .. or fading away.

Another would see the lack of their quality time together or the decrease in the frequency they used to have it is also a bad sign.

"CHILL LADIES" she said, each one of us has a way of feeling loved, but YOU have to know what it is that make you feel love the most,
is it him cooking you a candle-lit meal, is it him buying you diamonds ..

You have to know this very thing that makes you weak, loved, pamperd.
And the same goes for the man, the woman would say "But I did everything for him.." and the man would say the same thing "I did all I could to please her"

There's a test that assests what type of person you are, or what makes you feel loved the most.. But I think that goes back to the communication box.. You can't just go on assuming the person infront of you would have the same reaction as you to what you like or feel is more valuable.

and ofcourse, in different phases of life, your views about things change, about what's more important, and what's more valuable..
But it's good that you KNOW.

Alexia, a student, then paused and shouted,"Uhhh but what if I like ALL five" ! hahaha
that would be a problem ;p

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today .. I feel like ..

I have so much energy right now, and I feel geeewwwwwwd

I'll update you guys on this weekend ! There's a great movie in theatres, and I'm gonna go try a thai restaurant right now.

Have a wonderful Saturday/Sunday

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The little things ...


Monday, February 11, 2008

A movie to remember ..

I would have to say that I'm going to call it "My fav. movie of the year"